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Gala Therapuetics RheSolve Study Treating Patients with Chronic Bronchitis
Gerard J. Criner, MD, FACP, FACCP, outlines the details of the Gala Therapeutics RheSolve Study for treating patients with chronic bronchitis.High-Yield Updates in ILD
This activity will inform physicians and advanced practice providers about the rapidly-advancing field of interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), which encompasses many elements important to the care of an ILD patient, including accurate diagnosis, complications and comorbidities, treatment options, research opportunities, and transplantation evaluation.RECONSTRUCTIVE UROLOGIC SURGERY
With a team that features national leaders in the field, Temple’s Robotic Urologic Surgery program is the gold standard in reconstructive surgery for patients who have experienced traumatic injury to the urinary tract, scarring from cancer treatment or complications from past surgeries.Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction Procedural Tips and Tricks
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. Despite optimal pharmacological treatment, many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease remain very disabled.PERT Transforms
Pulmonary Embolism Care
and Practice
Robotic Retzius Sparing Simple Prostatectomy with Anastomotic Reconstruction
Daniel Eun, MD, Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of Robotic Retzius Sparing Simple Prostatectomy when compared to Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)Urethral Reconstruction
Michael J. Metro, MD discusses the importance of proper diagnosis for urethral stricutres.Strategies to Enable Complex Robotic Upper Urinary Tract Reconstruction (Wisconsin Urological Society Annual Meeting)
Daniel Eun, MD, Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, discusses strategies for enabling complex robotic reconstruction of the upper urinary tract.Urethroplasty Therapeutic Options
Michael J. Metro, MD, Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, discusses therapeutic and reconstructive surgery options for the treatment of strictures.Robotic Complications and Management (Wisconsin Urological Society Annual Meeting)
Daniel Eun, MD, Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, discusses the management of complications in robot-assisted surgery.Robotic Repair of Ureterovaginal Fistula using Indocyanine Green and Cosmetic Approach
Daniel D. Eun, MD, Michael J. Metro, MD and other providers from the Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institiute present a 38-year-old patient diagnosed with an iatrogenic bladder injury who undergoes a Ureterovaginal Fistual repair.Alternative Technique for Ureteral Reimplantation for Radiated Ureters Using a Non-Transection Side-to-Side Anastomosis
Daniel Eun, MD and other Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institiute Providers present a 72-year-old patient diagnosed with a left-sided distal ureteral stricture who undergoes a ureteral reimplantation.