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COVID Pneumonia
"COVID pneumonia represents the active inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma that is caused by SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that has caused the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of patients have been affected worldwide and hospitalizations have occurred all over the globe. The condition can range from mild to severe and represents a challenge for clinicians. Despite the above there is still significant morbidity and mortality associated with COVID pneumonia. It is important for clinicians to recognize this entity, and follow closely the rapidly changing recommendations regarding management and treatment."Recognizing and Treating Tracheobronchomalacia
"Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) is an under-recognized cause of shortness of breath, recurrent respiratory infections and chronic coughing. It involves collapse of the main airways, due to a weakness of the cartilage and/or floppiness of the posterior membranous wall. The activity will inform physicians and advanced practitioners about the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in the management of TBM, from diagnosis to treatment. We emphasize the need of reserving surgery to severely symptomatic patients who fail medical therapy, and the importance of objective long-term follow-up of this challenging condition."Advancing Urological Care with Aquablation: A Comprehensive Guide for Physicians
Join Steve Sterious, MD FACS, Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, to discuss Aquablation and the changing surgical landscape of BPH.Urinary Incontinence in Women: Evaluation and Management
Dr. Joshua Cohn, Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, discusses urinary incontinence in women, focusing on the etiology, prevalence and diagnostic evaluation. He also discusses the various treatment options that may be most helpful for each patient.GOLD International COPD Conference
Join us in person or online for an international comprehensive educational symposium on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This is the seventh consecutive year for this one-day COPD conference. Wednesday, November 16, 2022 from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM ESTAdvanced Asthma Fact Sheet
While many cases of asthma can be managed in a primary care setting, 5–10% of patients have asthma that cannot be controlled by standard treatments.Broncoscopic Lung Volume Reduction Physician Fact Sheet
For patients with emphysema and severe hyperinflation whose symptoms cannot be managed using medication or oxygen therapy alone, doctors may resort to surgical resection of the worse regions of emphysema to reduce air trapping and improve patient outcomesTemple Lung Center Physician Guide
Thanks to our collaboration with physicians like you, we are now one of the largest pulmonary centers in the region (over 32,000 patient visits per year). We also perform 13,000 pulmonary function tests and 1,000 bronchoscopies every year.Sarcoidosis PH Case Study
Bernard is a 37-year-old man with sarcoidosis initially diagnosed by lung biopsy in 2009. The sarcoidosis affects his skin, lungs, lymph nodes, and liver. He was referred to the Temple Lung Center for a lung transplantation evaluation due to severe pulmonary hypertension and poor exercise capacity. He had severe dyspnea, chronic dry cough, and chest tightness, as well as palpitation and dizziness. His constitutional symptoms included weight loss and fatigue.Interstitial Lung Disease Program Referral Information
Patients with interstitial lung disease require care from a multidisciplinary team of experienced physicians, an active research program, and a commitment to patient education. The Temple Lung Center’s Interstitial Lung Disease Program is a national leader in all three areas, offering a physician leadership team with decades of experience at Temple, a research program that publishes often and is supported by the NIH and private industry, and a wide range of educational programs for patients, caregivers and physicians.Tracheobronchial Malacia Referral Information
The Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) Program at the Temple Lung Center offers patients with this rare and often under-recognized condition, a multidisciplinary medical team led by specialty-trained thoracic surgeon Charles Bakhos, MD, FACS.Management of Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Presented by Fox Chase Cancer Center, the Temple Lung Center, and the Temple Health Office for Continuing Medical Education, this conference is designed as a forum for discussion of advances in technology and treatment of early stage non-small cell lung cancer. Multidisciplinary perspectives, including medical, surgical and radiation oncology, pulmonology and radiology will be presented.