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Evaluation of Dyspnea Course

Evaluation of Dyspnea

Dyspnea and dyspnea on exertion are among the most common patient complaints both in the office and in the hospital setting. While in-hospital evaluations tend to have a more acute focus, outpatient office evaluations of dyspnea tend to be more varied and nuanced in their etiology. Pulmonary function testing and cardiopulmonary exercise testing are important modalities to help differentiate causes of dyspnea.
Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) and Associated Pulmonary Hypertension Course

Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) and Associated Pulmonary Hypertension

Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a commonly encountered disease state. Patients who develop ILD associated with pulmonary hypertension have an increased mortality risk. This program aims to review the classification of commonly encountered interstitial lung diseases. Secondly, to describe the pathophysiology that leads to the development of ILD associated pulmonary hypertension. Lastly, to review a diagnostic approach to ILD associated pulmonary hypertension along with treatment options.
Temple Lung Center | Enrolling Clinical Trials News

Temple Lung Center | Enrolling Clinical Trials

The Temple Lung Center conducts one of the most comprehensive lung disease clinical trials programs in the country. Our advancements in basic, translational and clinical research are changing lung disease treatment. By pioneering effective therapies, we bring hope to patients with serious and debilitating lung diseases.
Temple Lung Center: Advancing Research in COPD News

Temple Lung Center: Advancing Research in COPD

The Temple Lung Center is one of the world’s largest COPD research centers, and has demonstrated its commitment to offer innovative therapies to patients by applying research breakthroughs to clinical care.
Lung Transplantation for COPD Patients Video

Lung Transplantation for COPD Patients

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., affecting nearly 16 million adults. Dr. Gerard Criner, Director of the Temple Lung Center, recently joined the Global Forum on Lung Transplantation to explore the role of lung transplantation for COPD. 
November Quarterly Impact Report: The Temple Healthy Chest Initiative News

November Quarterly Impact Report: The Temple Healthy Chest Initiative

The American Cancer Society is forecasting more than two million new cases of cancer to be diagnosed in the year 2024. And while the incidence rate is on the rise, cancer-related deaths continue to decline. Early detection is key to producing better outcomes for patients.
Temple Lung Center: Advancing Research in ILD News

Temple Lung Center: Advancing Research in ILD

Interstitial lung diseases (ILD) significantly impact patient morbidity and mortality. As an ILD Center of Excellence, the Temple Lung Center has established comprehensive programs for the evaluation and management of patients with a wide range of ILDs. This includes extensive clinical research and lung transplantation expertise.
What is new in 2024 for PE Video

What is new in 2024 for PE

A comprehensive overview of strategic clinical risk stratification, evidence-based approaches derived from clinical trials and advanced research, and essential insights into the follow-up care of patients post-pulmonary embolism (PE).
2024 GOLD International COPD Conference Course

2024 GOLD International COPD Conference

Join us on November 11th and 12th for the world’s largest educational symposium on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The upcoming 9th annual GOLD International COPD Conference is once again a two-day event hosted in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Pleural Effusions and Pleural Disease Course

Pleural Effusions and Pleural Disease

Pleural disease is a common but frequently misunderstood clinical entity within the field of pulmonary disease. While up to 30% of individuals assessed may have pleural effusions, the specific diagnostic and therapeutic modalities undertaken have significant downstream implications for the diagnostic yield of studies, potential complication profile, and in the setting of therapeutic procedures, the extent to which these can either help to facilitate overall treatment or to reduce symptom burden in the case of palliative-type procedures such as tunneled pleural catheters or chemical pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusions.
Update for Providers: Temple Healthy Chest Initiative’s Dual Screening Referral Process News

Update for Providers: Temple Healthy Chest Initiative’s Dual Screening Referral Process

Advanced Bronchoscopic Services News

Advanced Bronchoscopic Services

As the only integrated pulmonary and critical care medicine, sleep medicine, and thoracic surgery department in the nation, the highly experienced, multidisciplinary team at the Temple Lung Center is consistently setting new standards of care in bronchoscopic research, technology, treatment, and recovery. Temple offers an enhanced patient experience with a single centralized location for both treatment and recovery.

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